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  • 校园招聘手册.pdf_第1页




    关 键  词:
    校园 招聘 手册

    1、UPDATE USAREC Pam 350-13 1Contents(Listed by paragraph number)Chapter 1IntroductionPurpose 1-1References 1-2Explanation of abbreviations 1-3SRP 1-4General 1-5Chapter 2School RelationsPurpose 2-1Establishing and maintaining rapport 2-2School profile 2-3Student influencers 2-4Educator,parent,and busin

    2、ess influencers 2-5Trimester system of senior contacts 2-6Preparation for the upcoming SY 2-7Chapter 3School GuidelinesPurpose 3-1Annual planning meeting 3-2Recruiter expectations of school officials 3-3School officials expectations of recruiters 3-4Chapter 4School Folders and Army Recruiting In-for

    3、mation Support System InformationScreensPurpose 4-1Information 4-2Filing and disposition 4-3Information screens 4-4Chapter 5Calendar of School Activities(Month-by-Month)OverviewJuly 5-1August 5-2September 5-3October 5-4November 5-5December 5-6January 5-7February 5-8March 5-9April 5-10May 5-11June 5-

    4、12Chapter 6ASVABProgram description 6-1Purpose 6-2Recruiter responsibilities 6-3Marketing the ASVAB 6-4Benefits 6-5March 2 Success 6-6Chapter 7Education IncentivesGeneral 7-1Purpose 7-2Recruiter responsibilities 7-3Chapter 8ConAPGeneral 8-1Purpose 8-2ConAP benefits 8-3Recruiter responsibilities 8-4C

    5、hapter 9E/COI ToursGeneral 9-1Purpose 9-2E/COI tour nominations 9-3Recruiter responsibilities 9-4Chapter 10Postsecondary Schools Recruiting Pro-gramColleges and universities 10-1Other degree-granting institutions 10-2Nondegree-granting institutions 10-3School visits 10-4Recruiter activities 10-5Stop

    6、-out cycle 10-6Lessons 10-7Chapter 11Release of Student Recruiting InformationSolomon Amendment 11-1Hutchinson Amendment 11-2Reauthorization of the Elementary and Sec-ondary Education Act of 2001 11-3Appendix A.ReferencesGlossaryChapter 1Introduction1-1.PurposeThe purpose of this handbook is:a.To pr

    7、ovide a single-source guidance docu-ment,combining regulatory requirements andsuccessful techniques and ideas to assist staffand recruiters in building and maintaining aneffective School Recruiting Program(SRP).b.To provide a school calendar of eventsand significant activities and ensure an Armypres

    8、ence in all secondary schools.School own-ership is the goal.c.To assist in the training of new recruitersand serve as a reference guide.The tech-HeadquartersUnited States Army Recruiting Command1307 3rd AvenueFort Knox,Kentucky 40121-27261 September 2004TrainingSchool Recruiting Program Handbook*USA

    9、REC Pamphlet 350-13For the Commander:JAMES M.PALERMOColonel,General StaffChief of StaffOfficial:BRUCE W.MORRISAssistant Chief of Staff,G-6History.This UPDATE printing publishes a re-vised pamphlet.Summary.This pamphlet provides a single-source document for the School Recruiting Pro-gram.Applicabilit

    10、y.This pamphlet is applicable to allelements of the United States Army RecruitingCommand.Proponent and exception authority.Theproponent of this pamphlet is the Assistant Chiefof Staff,G-5.The proponent has the authorityto approve exceptions to this pamphlet that areconsistent with controlling law an

    11、d regulat-ion.Proponent may delegate the approval au-thority,in writing,to a division chief within theproponent agency in the grade of lieutenant colo-nel or the civilian equivalent.Suggested improvements.Users are in-vited to send comments and suggested im-provements on DA Form 2028(RecommendedChan

    12、ges to Publications and Blank Forms)di-rectly to HQ USAREC,ATTN:RCMPO-E,13073rd Avenue,Fort Knox,KY 40121-2726.Distribution.Distribution of this pamphlet hasbeen made in accordance with USAREC Pam25-30,distribution Y.This pamphlet is publishedin the Recruiter Management UPDATE.Thispamphlet is also a

    13、vailable electronically and canbe found on the Command Enterprise Portal.*This pamphlet supersedes USAREC Pamphlet 350-13,29 April 2002.2 UPDATE USAREC Pam 350-13niques and programs contained in this hand-book have been proven to be successfulthroughout this command.They are time-testedtechniques an

    14、d if properly implemented,canassist the recruiting force in developing,imple-menting,and maintaining the SRP.1-2.ReferencesRequired and related publications and referencedforms are listed in appendix A.1-3.Explanation of abbreviationsAbbreviations used in this pamphlet are ex-plained in the glossary

    15、.1-4.SRPa.The SRP is a well planned,prioritized,andcoordinated effort designed to create positiveawareness and interest in available Army pro-grams among students,parents,educators,andcenters of influence(COIs)within the commu-nity.It is designed to assist recruiters in pen-etrating their school mar

    16、ket and channeling theirefforts through specific tasks and goals to ob-tain the maximum number of quality enlistments.The SRP is also an important part of an inte-grated recruiting prospecting-lead generationprogram that ensures total market penetration.Teamwork at all levels is essential to the execu-tion of the SRP.b.The SRP has four distinct phases:Sum-mer,Fall,Winter,and Spring and its success isdependent upon the development and imple-mentation of a sound school plan.School plansfor the upc

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