1、Consulting 101Understanding consulting business1 Apr 20171You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialAgendaUnderstand client issues Best practice2You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialCourse Overview3You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialModule 1:Course overviewModule 2:Understanding consulti
2、ng businessModule 3:Consulting core skillsModule 4:Best practiceAgenda4You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialCourse objectivesunderstand the consulting landscape and know the dominant players in the industryBy the end of this course you will be able to:acquire a holistic understanding of project
3、 stakeholders,client needs,and various functions of the team and its memberslearn from best practice to use relevant tools,templates and framework to solve internal and client problemsattain a good command of business analytics and research methodologiesdevelop capabilities of synthesissharpen stake
4、holders and client communication skills123456build rapport with client and practice consultative sales approach75You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialTools and framework for this courseData gatheringa.Excelb.Process mappingc.Graphics-Infographics-Graphical process maps-Graphic facilitations-Day
5、 in the Life Scenarios-Rich pictures-Rich mediad.Graphics-Affinity Diagram-Mind mape.GraphicsData analysisa.Decision treeb.Grid analysisc.Root cause analysisd.Force Fielde.RACIf.IBPSg.Paretoh.Correlation analysisi.Regression analysisj.Distribution curvesk.SENSE Modell.Client Added Value MatrixProble
6、m identificationa.Problem statementb.Issue or hypothesis treeSolution creation&evaluationa.Convergent&divergent thinkingb.Brainstormingc.Cause and effective analysisd.Risk appraisale.Ease and effect matrix6You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialCourse modules and timelineMarAprMay0910111213141516
7、171819202122-Recommendation and solution developmentUnderstand consulting business-Building relationshipsCore consulting skillBest practice-Consulting world-ResearchModules-Understanding the client issueRemark7You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialModule 1:Course overviewModule 2:Understanding c
8、onsulting businessModule 3:Consulting core skillsModule 4:Best practiceAgenda8You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialCourse ModulesConsulting world Understanding consulting landscape Overview of consultant rolesBuilding relationships Understanding skills to make a good impression,build rapport an
9、d have productive conversations with clients and colleagues Productive conversations9You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialCourse Modules Understanding consulting landscape Overview of consultant roles Understanding skills to make a good impression,build rapport and have productive conversations
10、 with clients and colleagues Productive conversationsBuildingrelationshipsConsulting world10You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialList of pre-reading materialsTo be suggested by faculty11You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialWhat does a management consulting firm do?We serve clients at every
11、 level of their organization,in whatever capacity we can be most useful,whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach for front line employees.For every engagement,we assemble a team with the most appropriate experience and expertise.No matter the challenge,we focus on delive
12、ring practical and enduring results,and equipping our clients to grow and lead.We partner with clients to put recommendations into practice.Our implementation specialists work directly with clients over long periods to help develop workforce skills,drive operational improvement,and apply new working
13、 methods.http:/ Plus|Strictly private and confidential1.Types of servicesStrategyFinanceOperationsPeople&organisationForensic servicesTechnologyRisk7216354Catalyst collaborative service8source:http:/ Plus|Strictly private and confidential2.What consultants doClientexpectationOpportunitymanagementDel
14、iveryprocessFeed backbased on theoutcomeUse learningof theexperience tofeedback toopportunitymanagementProposal&PitchOperation excellence,i.e.doing the best as we canDeliver PwC experienceAgree qualityplan,thinkabout what isvalue for clientSet mutualexpectationsDiscuss otheraspirationsDecide ways of
15、workingFeedback&assessmentLoseWinsource;https:/ Plus|Strictly private and confidential3.The Consulting Processsource:https:/ 1.7 The Firm and its Business)ClientsCIPS(Consumerand IndustrialProducts&Services)FS(Financial Services)G&HI(Government&HealthIndustries)TICE(Technology.InfoComms,Entertainmen
16、t and Media)GrowRevenueIntegrateSuccessfullyCreateInsightRemovecomplexityOperateGloballyImproveEfficiencyReduceCostStrategyDeliveringDeal Value(DDV)TechnologyRiskFinanceOperationsPeople&ChangePortfolio&ProgrammanagementTeams of Partners and Directors make sure wepenetrate our targeted sectors and accounts.We approach clients with clearly definedpropositions which recognise and responding totheir key issuesStaff align to groups focused on developingspecific competencies,relevant to the workwe do