1、Using CAVMAT as a living toolPosition the BAFT tools where they best fit on CAVMATSelf-audit1.Tools I have experience in?2.In what client situations have I used them?3.What further tools or experience do I want?Update CAVMAT as you gain experience of new toolsConsultant/Client situationProblem Focus
2、 AreaUnderstanding clientcontext and issuesIdentifying client options and making choicesBuilding and implementing client solutions Organisational strategyUnderstanding industry environmentValue creationProduct market combinationsCorporate StrategyOrganisational delivery Organisational structureProdu
3、ct/service propositionsCore functions and capabilitiesSupporting and leveraging internal operationsSupporting functions:HRTechnologyFinance and governanceTechnology platformSupply chain management241You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialTask 1:Positioning Tools on CAVMATAn Example:Force Field An
4、alysisA Business Tool that identifies forces which help or hinder an organisation achieves a desired change.A tool that can bring meaning to data and help build a case for change.Helps identify the dynamic equilibrium between driving and restraining forces.Can be used to look forward to what might h
5、appen in the future or explain what is happening today.242You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialForce field analysisWhat area?In what area of my clients organisation am I using a tool to try to understand an issue?What situation?What is the situation I am looking to apply this tool in?What probl
6、em?What specific problem am I trying to use this tool to diagnose?Strategic or operationalBuilding the case for change.Moving from an existing state to desired future stateIdentifies the major(and minor)driving and resisting forces to create desired change123243You Plus|Strictly private and confiden
7、tialSo,where does Force Field Analysis fit on CAVMAT?Consultant/Client situationProblem Focus AreaUnderstanding clientcontext and issuesIdentifying client options and making choicesBuilding and implementing client solutions Organisational strategyUnderstanding industry environmentValue creationProdu
8、ct market combinationsCorporate StrategyOrganisational delivery Organisational structureProduct/service propositionsCore functions and capabilitiesSupporting and leveraging internal operationsSupporting functions:HRTechnologyFinance and governanceTechnology platformSupply chain management244You Plus
9、|Strictly private and confidentialNext StepsTake some time to reflect on a recent engagement and consider whetherCAVMAT might have helped you take a more structured approach.Look for opportunities such as case studies and client situations and applyCAVMAT as a practical tool to help you plan a respo
10、nse or engagement.Share your thinking with other colleagues and record your experiences.245You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialExercise-Which tools and why?Four real world cases.For each one:1.5 mins-Discuss in your table groups2.Agree which tool or combination of tools you would use to provid
11、e greater insightAND why.3.Share choices with the class4.Competition time!1 point for each correct answer1 point for each plausible explanation.246You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialExercise 1-Which Data Analysis Tools might be useful here?A specialist retail chain has been slowly losing sale
12、s for over 2 years.The seniormanagement team is unable to agree where the problem lies.247You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialExercise 1-Which Data Analysis Tools might be useful here?A specialist retail chain has been slowly losing sales for over 2 years.The seniormanagement team is unable to
13、 agree where the problem lies.Root Cause Analysis248You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialExercise 2-Which Data Analysis Tools might be useful here?A local authority wants to evaluate the case for outsourcing its maintenance operation.It is aware of a range of financial and non-financial conside
14、rations,as well as some clearstakeholder views on if and how this should be done.249You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialExercise 2-Which Data Analysis Tools might be useful here?A local authority wants to evaluate the case for outsourcing its maintenance operation.It is aware of a range of fin
15、ancial and non-financial considerations as well as some clear stakeholder views on if and how this should be done.Forcefield Analysis,RACI250You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialExercise 3-Which Data Analysis Tools might be useful here?An engineering firm needs to:decide which supplier best mee
16、ts its procurement criteriachoose which of three new product variants to develop251You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialExercise 3-Which Data Analysis Tools might be useful here?decide which supplier best meets its procurement criteria choose which of three new product variants to developAn engineering firm needs to:Decision TreeGrid Analysis252You Plus|Strictly private and confidentialCAVMATConsultant/Client situationUnderstanding clientcontext and issuesIdentifying client options and maki