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类型培训师--培训师的培训(英文版)(PPT 107页).ppt

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  • 培训师--培训师的培训(英文版)(PPT 107页).ppt_第1页
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    关 键  词:
    培训师-培训师的培训英文版PPT 107页 培训 英文 PPT 107

    1、Train-the-Trainer 1 Train-the-Trainer T3-010 Train-the-Trainer 2 How To Use This Courseware To view this course online:Internet Explorer:A scroll bar is provided for navigation.Do not use the back button in the browser or it will take you back to the start of the course.To best view the course,right

    2、-click the first slide and choose Full Screen.Netscape:The course will open up in PowerPoint.Choose View Slide Show or press F5 to start the course.To view the Speaker Notes:Right-click the slide and choose Speaker Notes.To access the Table of Contents:Click the button to return to the Table of Cont

    3、ents.Train-the-Trainer 3 Change Record Number:Description of Change Entered By Date Train-the-Trainer 4 Course Mission Statement This course provides an overview of concepts encountered within a training environment and instructs the trainee on techniques and skills required for being an effective t

    4、rainer and facilitator within the classroom.Train-the-Trainer 5 Terminal Objectives At the completion of this course,the trainee will be able to:Identify and describe a learning process,learning styles,and learner characteristics Identify and apply appropriate training styles for the training enviro

    5、nment Apply appropriate presentation skills to ensure effective communication and successful training delivery Develop facilitation skills to monitor trainees participation,obtain feedback,and improve performance in the classroom Identify and apply the techniques provided in managing the classroom T

    6、rain-the-Trainer 6 Table of Contents Introduction to Train-the Trainer Lesson 1:Learning Styles Lesson 2:Trainers&Adult Learners Lesson 3:Presentation Skills Lesson 4:Facilitation Skills Lesson 5:Classroom Management Course Review Train-the-Trainer 7 Introduction to Train-the-Trainer Train-the-Train

    7、er 8 Styles in Training Learning Instructing Train-the-Trainer 9 Presentation and Facilitation Presentation skills involves the ability to communicate effectively course content.Facilitation skills involve the ability to coach,guide,and motivate the trainee in comprehending course content.Train-the-

    8、Trainer 10 Managing Classrooms Classroom management addresses a number of areas:Facilities and Environment Instructional Aids Momentum and Flow Train-the-Trainer 11 Lesson 1:Learning Styles Train-the-Trainer 12 Lesson 1:Objectives Terminal Objective:Identify and describe a learning process,learning

    9、styles,and learner characteristics.Identify major concepts in the learning process Describe four main learning styles List learner characteristics Train-the-Trainer 13 Lesson 1:Enabling Objective 1.1 Knowledge:Identify the major steps that occur within the learning process.Train-the-Trainer 14 Situa

    10、tion Lesson 1 Concept:Learning Process Learner:Practice Experimentation Evaluation Reasoning&Reflecting Learner:Changed&More Experienced Learner:Relatively Unchanged Experience Memorization Jarvis 1987 Learning is a change in behavior and cognitive abilities.Train-the-Trainer 15 Lesson 1:Enabling Ob

    11、jective 1.2 Knowledge:Describe four learning styles with their attributes and related characteristics.Train-the-Trainer 16 Exercise 1.1a:“Whats Your Orientation?”feeling.watching.thinking.doing.TOTALS I am receptive and open-minded.I am careful.I analyze ideas.I am practical.I like to observe.I eval

    12、uate things.I like to be active.AE I can try things out for myself.I am an accepting person.I am a reserved person.I am a rational person.I am a responsible person.a chance to try out and practice.I feel personally involved in things.I take my time before acting.I like ideas and theories.I like to s

    13、ee results from my work.CE RO AC relationships.observations.rational theories.I rely on my feelings.I rely on my observations.I rely on my ideas.I get involved.I am open to new experiences.I am an observing I am a logical person.I am an active person.I look at all sides of issues.I like to analyze t

    14、hings.I like to try things out.I am an intuitive person.I have strong feelings and reactions.I am quiet and reserved.I tend to reason things out.I am responsible about things.I like to think about ideas.I like to be doing things.I trust my hunches and feelings.I listen and watch carefully.I rely on

    15、logical thinking.I work hard to get things done.The learning style inventory describes the way you learn and how you deal with ideas and daily situations.Below are 12 statements with a choice of four endings.Rank the endings for each statement according to how well you think each one fits with the w

    16、ay you go about learning something(i.e.,recall some recent event were you had to learn something new).Then using the spaces provided,rank each response using a 4 for the ending that best describes how you learn,a 3 for the next best statement,a 2 for next to the least best,and a 1 being the least best of the choices.Please rank all the endings and DO NOT make any ties.After completing the choices,total up each column and put some sum on the TOTALS row.9.I learn best when:10.When I am learning:11

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    本文标题:培训师--培训师的培训(英文版)(PPT 107页).ppt
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