1、 1 www.assessmentday.co.uk Numerical Reasoning Practice Test 2 Solution Booklet 2 www.assessmentday.co.uk Q1 Which company has the highest annual profit per employee?A B C D Simply divide the annual profit by the number of employees for each company:Company A=4,000/employee.Company B=3,250/employee.
2、Company C=2,625/employee.Company D=2,500/employee.This is a relatively easy question;dont waste time by looking for anything more complicated.Q2 If the profits per employee remain the same,how many extra employees would Company B have to recruit to achieve annual profits of 39,000?6 3 12 4 For compa
3、ny B,profit per employee is originally(26,000 8)=3,250/employee.So 39,000 3,250=12 employees,which is 4 more than they currently have.Whilst each question can be done in isolation,it will help here if you can quickly locate the workings from the previous question.3 www.assessmentday.co.uk Q3 If an i
4、nvestor purchased Company B,and the profits for each company stayed the same,how much profit would the investor have made after two years?27,000 Profit 2,000 Loss 2,700 Profit 52,000 Profit Cost to buy Company B,we are told,is 25,000.Annual profit we are told is 26,000.So after two years:-25,000+26,
5、000+26,000=27,000 profit.4 www.assessmentday.co.uk Q4 Between 1990 and 2000,what was the increase in energy use for the PC Room,Meeting Rooms and Office Space combined?50kWh 184kWh 188kWh Cannot say The graphs give percentages,with the total shown at the bottom.Dont waste time by working out the kWh
6、 value for each of the PC Room,the Meeting Rooms and the Office Space.Use the percentages and add up at the end:In 1990:(12%+12%+41%)of 17,000kWh=11,050kWh In 2000:(21%+14%+39%)of 15,000kWh=11,100kWh.Which is an increase of 50kWh.Q5 If the Building Energy Use today is 6%less than it was in 2000,by w
7、hat percentage is todays Building Energy Use lower than that of 1990?82.9%17.1%17.8%Cannot say Total energy usage in 2000=15,000kWh,so todays at 6%less is 15,000 x 0.94=14,100kWh.This compares with 1990 levels of 17,000kWh.To work out the reduction from 17,000 to 14,100,calculate(14,100 17,000)=0.82
8、94,which is a reduction of(1-0.8294=0.17059)17.1%.5 www.assessmentday.co.uk Q6 Which space experienced the smallest reduction in kWh used between 1990 and 2000?Office Space Print Room Meeting Rooms PC Room We can rule out the PC Room from the possible answers by inspection since it is apparent its e
9、nergy use actually increased between 1990 and 2000.So the other three possible answers:Print Room:2,550 1,800=750kWh.Office Space:6,970 5,850=1,120kWh.Meeting Rooms:2,040 2,100=Increase of 60kWh(note question asked for smallest reduction).6 www.assessmentday.co.uk Q7 Approximately what percentage of
10、 the people sampled are unemployed?7%5%6%4%Make sure you add together the male and female figures to arrive at a figure for people.Total number unemployed=52,000+43,000=97,000.Total number people sampled=1,343,000+1,031,000=2,374,000.So now 97,000 2,374,000=4.086%.Q8 If it is predicted that the numb
11、er of females employed in IT will rise by 10%every year,but the number of males stays the same,what percent of IT employees would be female after a three year period?54.1%53.5%85.0%45.5%Number of female IT employees to start with is 107,000 from the table.If the number of female employees rises by 1
12、0%,that gives 142,417 employees after three years(107,000 x 1.10 x 1.10 x 1.10=142,417).The number of male IT employees is still 121,000,so the total in IT is now 142,417+121,000=263,417.So 142,417 out of 263,417 IT employees is 54.07%.With this question,where we are dealing with number of people,yo
13、u should end up with integers in the working since it is not possible to have part of a person.If you start to get decimals,consider whether you have made a mistake.7 www.assessmentday.co.uk Q9 What was the average accident cost per vehicle on the road in Ribley in November?0.23 0.47 15.40 2.30 Hope
14、fully you have noticed that the Vehicles on Road figures are in thousands.Total average cost of accidents in Ribley in November=10 x 1,900=19,000.Number of vehicles on road=81,000.So 19,000 81,000=0.2346.Dont be fooled into thinking the answer is simply the Average cost per accident figure given on
15、the right hand side;per vehicle on the road is what the question is after.If it looks as though all you have to do for a question is read a number from the figure,you have probably misunderstood.Q10 Comparing Wartop with Surren,what was the difference in average accident cost per vehicle on the road
16、 in October?3.4p 6.4p 64.60 0.70 The working is similar to the previous question,but there is a but more work to this question as you have to work it out for two towns.Again,dont forget that the Vehicles on Road figure is in thousands.The fact that the question asks for average accident cost means we can answer the question because we are given the Average cost per accident figure to apply to all accidents.Otherwise wed have to know the cost of every single accident.Wartop:(3,200 per accident x